- God is everywhere
- never leaves
- hears every one of your heartbeats.
- God created man in his own image
1. Micro Deum
Canon, the Bible, The Very Last Testament
The Screenplay
2. Micro Deus
What does God looks like.
Fits description.
3. Mito Deus
The Mitochondria would be God's incarnation on earth
God created in his own image
Although an image of the Mitochondria was not available until now
Religious people could feel the energy and its effects.
Yoga and Religion are based on something separate from the body.
Now, we can look at the energy flow with our own eyes..
4. Newer Testament.
Re writing the spiritual path by looking inside with the latest super microscope.
Prayer, Yoga, Chi, is all there and it fits
The next step is even smaller microscope images.
Are the different biomes making noise like in a forest?
Imaging shows Mito Deus inside the brain.